Monday, May 10, 2010

Give Blood

Come donate blood with me sometime at the Memorial Blood Center's Blood Drive!

Here are some top reasons to give blood.
You will get free juice and cookies.
One pint of blood can save up to 3 lives
Nobody can ask you to do any heavy lifting as long as you have the bandage on. (You can wear it for as long as you like.)
You will walk a little taller afterwards - you will feel good about yourself.
You get a sticker.
It's good for you, unload some of that extra iron.
You will be helping to ensure that blood is there when you or someone close to you may need it. Most people don't think they'll ever need blood, but many do.
You will be some one's hero - you may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, you may help save up to three lives with just one donation.
Did I mention the free snacks?

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